Hope Nurtured

where hope blooms

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Happy Thanksgiving!!

JewelsThis morning started out a little more difficult than I was hoping, due to the simple fact that I have a naughty kitty at the moment. Last night, I decided that with the tables set, butter dishes and bread (which she loves to chew on) sitting out on the tables, that it’d be wise for me to restrict her movements overnight. You know – to prevent what I could foresee as a problem this morning that I didn’t want to deal with. I had decided my room was the best choice so I can get up if need be, plus my Dominic is a cuddle bug and sleeps with me each night and I would miss him if he wasn’t curled up, purring.

I was well prepared, I moved the food and water into our bedroom and coaxed the cats to use the litter box just before bed (by cleaning it). Does that frustrate anyone else? The moment it is clean, they are hopping in the mess it back up. Anyway, we settled in and it was great for a few hours when Aryanna was up for a restroom break (must have been that chocolate milk before bed). I had to wrangle the cats back in. Then a couple hours later Aryanna was up again, this time, unbeknown to me. I was sound asleep. Didn’t hear a thing until I heard a little scratching at the door to get IN the bedroom. Once I realized what was going on, I jumped up, noting it was 3:23 AM and headed to the kitchen debating on whether I should just turn on the coffee while there. What I found would be the deciding factor.

I was pleasantly surprised to see nothing amiss. No butter with lick marks, no bread on the floor, no wrinkled tablecloths! I was a bit surprised actually so I decided to try my luck back in bed. I couldn’t doze off right away so I grabbed my Nook and started reading, with a cat curled up between. I read for an hour before dozing off before waking quickly this morning at 5:45.

I guess I’ll get to see the sunrise and get a little more time with God this Thanksgiving morning.

Thanksgiving 2013

Whatever your day is scheduled to have, please make sure to remember that Thanksgiving is a day to be thankful, a day to remember, appreciate, and celebrate. I know we all have our traditions of eating way too much, watching football, hunting, the ‘friendly’ family banter, etc. Just don’t forget why we chose to continue to choose to gather with that family and those friends. Or why you miss them when you are unable to join them.

In everything give thanks;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Please remember as you gather that many are not as fortunate as you. If you are able to join in the celebration of eating too much, rushing off to get those special deals at the store, and watching that all too important NFC East football game (GO PACK!!), you are extraordinarily blessed! Many are hungry or cannot afford that extra big meal, many do not have family to gather with. Count your blessings! Each person around your table is a blessing. Each bite you take. Each hour you have available to hunt.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!