Hope Nurtured

where hope blooms

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We Are Wonderfully Made!

It’s amazing how something so simple can really help you understand. The other day I found a video (the video below). It spoke to me directly to me as a woman. It caused large tears to drop from my eyes as I finally understood why I was who I was. Why I needed to be me and not what everyone else thinks I should be.

So who am I? I know I’ll never be popular, outgoing or a model. I tend to shy away from crowds and actually find them exhausting. I struggle to maintain friendships, even with dear people whom I love. I’m a quiet homebody who enjoys dressing up but also loves to be lazy. I enjoy writing, my computer, reading, and dreaming about a little crazy dream where I finally have a homestead and get to raise animals. I’m not that city-girl I tried for so long to be. But I’m not entirely a country girl either as I love being close to things, hate to drive 30 minutes to get to a Wal-Mart or Target, and I adore my Caribou Coffee!

Now, if I’m truly being honest, there is likely at least one thing each and every person doesn’t like about themselves. There is always that constant comparison: ourselves vs. the rest of the world. Or there’s that battle to become a better version of ourselves. There always seems to be something that we can do better, be better at, or look better in.

Me??? I take issue with many things about my body and personality. Really, who doesn’t though? I’m just like each of you – there’s always something that I’d like to change. But when I have those struggling thoughts, I try to take a step back and remember this:

Artists value and love their work. They pour over each piece for hours, perfecting
it, transforming a blank canvas into a truly beautiful piece. They want it to be
… perfect to them. Each person who makes something does the same thing.

Now, how can a loving God, who knit each of us together in our mother’s womb, a God who designed us make a mistake? Or not care about how we came out? He can’t!! He loves us! He said that we were wonderfully made! 

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14



That’s it! Did you catch it? That’s the key right there!  We were made special by someone who designed us to be exactly like we are! We may not match the expectations of the world, but who cares! Our designer, our creator made us this way! He wanted us to be this way! He has a purpose for us THIS WAY!

 There is always someone who does love you for exactly who you are – exactly the way you were made. Take a moment and really think about how special you are – how you were made so specifically, with such care and love.

You are a custom designed treasure!


Please take a few minutes to see just how special you really are!