Hope Nurtured

where hope blooms

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Thankful For My Crockpot

What a busy day we have today! Between schooling at home, packing, cleaning, delivering donations, and preparing for the upcoming very busy weekend, we had a lot to do in a short time. I knew I’d want to still have a good home-cooked meal, but wasn’t sure I’d have time (or even feel like cooking) come later today to begin something.

So, I dug out the crockpot. Now, this isn’t just any crockpot – this was my grandmother’s. She gave it to me a few years before she passed away, and I cannot help but smile in remembrance each time I dig out that old brown, 1970s style crockpot. I am always thankful I have it and know whatever I make will be delicious!

StewOne of the things I’ve learned over the last few years, is it can be challenging to cook for 2 people. There are always leftovers, and sometimes, food can even spoil before it gets eaten. With some time, I have gotten smarter. I now divide and cut up veggies in my spare time and freeze excess portions. Often, even combining veggies for soups and stews into one bag when freezing for a quick add. With them washed and cut up, it makes for a very simple prep for days like this – and that is always a good thing.

This morning, all I had to do was fry up the meat, toss the meat and frozen bags of veggies into the crockpot with seasonings and broth. Now our stew is simmering away, just waiting for dinner. I also found a bit of time to throw together a fresh loaf of crusty bread that will be perfect for dipping into the delightful stew. It’s going to be a great meal to sit down and enjoy together.

All I can say is that God is good for providing us an awesome way to have a great meal, even when there is little available time to make it.
